
I overthought
So I locked up my heart yeah
There you stood
Your blue eyes hidden beneath your hood
hello i'm so stupid i went to scratch my sandfly bite really hard and now the stupid thing's
bleeding. hahaha.
anyway, went back school AGAIN for freaking science fair, 4th time in this week. sucks man.
hmmmmm watched amazing race ytd and i hate how dani and danielle and eric and jeremy flirt with each other okay. hurhur but i do think eric's quite cute, or wait, is it jeremy? haha. but they're so horny anyway, i hope they get out
soon, like
NEXT WEEK, DOUBLE ELIMINATION! hahahahha. oh i like bj and tyler! joseph and monica are okay too. bj and tyler are so funny. i think they're a lil bit like fred and george weasley cus they're a teeny bit retarded. hahah. and lake and michelle are really mean to each other. haha.
lake(violently): read the instructions again!
michelle: i'm going to
punch you in the face.